COVID-19 Reminders

February 2023

Using protective measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 continues to be important. Along with COVID-19, the flu and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are concerns. RMTs are reminded of the following COVID-19 guidance:


  • While masking is generally no longer mandated, some organizations may have their own masking policies and RMTs in these settings should follow any guidance provided.
  • CMTO expects that some clients will wish to remain masked, some will want their RMT to be masked, and some RMTs may request that a client wear a mask. RMTs should base the decision to use personal protective equipment on a risk assessment.
  • RMTs should communicate any masking preferences ahead of the appointment to allow clients to prepare accordingly.
  • The Ministry of Health also has guidance on the use of PPE for health care workers and health care entities.


  • RMTs cannot provide treatment to anyone with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 until those symptoms have subsided, or to anyone who is supposed to be self-isolating at the time of their scheduled appointment.
  • RMTs can continue to use passive screening such as signage.
  • RMTs should use their professional judgement to decide how to screen clients for symptoms and self-isolation requirements before treatment. For example, an RMT could choose to ask questions about symptoms as a part of collecting updates to health history; or continue with active screening.

Returning to Practice following Illness

  • RMTs must assess their situation and follow the instructions in the Ministry of Health’s Case and Contact Management Guidance document (pgs. 10 to 13): Management of Cases and Contacts of COVID-19 in Ontario.
  • If you must self-isolate based on the instructions in the document (refer to the Table on pgs. 12 and 13), you cannot return to practice until you have completed self-isolation requirements.

Please see CMTO’s COVID-19 page for more information. If you have any questions, please contact the Practice Specialist at or by phone at 416-489-2626/1-800-465-1933 extension 4124.

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