About the Discipline Hearings Process
The Discipline Committee conducts hearings into allegations of professional misconduct and incompetence. These hearings typically proceed in two stages.
The liability phase of a discipline hearing involves a panel of the Discipline Committee deciding whether allegations against a registered massage therapist (RMT/MT) have been proven. If a panel makes findings of professional misconduct or incompetence, the hearing proceeds to a penalty phase, following which the panel may make one or more of these orders:
- Require that the RMT be reprimanded;
- Direct the Registrar to suspend or revoke the RMT’s Certificate of Registration; and/or
- Direct the Registrar to impose terms, conditions or limitations on the RMT’s Certificate of Registration.
When appropriate, the panel may order an RMT to pay all or part of the College’s expenses associated with the investigation, prosecution and hearing. While costs are not part of the penalty, requests for costs are considered at the penalty phase of a hearing.
RMTs may appeal decisions of the Discipline Committee to Ontario’s Divisional Court. In most cases, filing an appeal does not automatically suspend the Discipline Committee’s order.
For more information on the discipline hearings process, please contact hearings@cmto.com.
Discipline Committee Rules
The Discipline Committee Rules outline the Committee’s processes. The Rules are designed to bring formality, consistency, and clarity to the discipline hearings process, while allowing Discipline Committee panels to retain procedural flexibility.
These Rules contain amendments introduced as part of the Health Professions Discipline Tribunals Pilot (HPDTP). They include Rule 12, which governs case management and hearing management conferences. These amendments came into force on April 3, 2023.
Discipline Committee Forms
The forms appended to the Rules are available in a downloadable format below. Details on how to file these forms with the Hearings Office or provide them to the opposing party can be found in the Rules.
- Form 1 – Notice of Motion / Formulaire 1: Avis de requête
- Form 2 – Order / Formulaire 2: Ordonnance
- Form 3 – Pre-hearing Conference Memorandum / Formulaire 3: Mémoire de la conférence préparatoire
- Form 4 – Request for Adjournment / Formulaire 4: Demande d’ajournement
- Form 5 – Notice of Application – Reinstatement / Formulaire 5: Avis de demande – réintégration
- Form 6 – Case Management Conference Memo – Represented Parties
- Form 7 – Case Management Conference Memo – Self-Represented Party