Strategic Plan
CMTO Strategic Plan 2023-2025
CMTO’s Strategic Goals will be a focus for the next three years. Each goal is supported by priorities that will help get us there.
- Collaborate with partners on prevention initiatives
- Educate and engage students, educators, RMTs and the public on sexual abuse and boundaries
- Embed sexual abuse prevention in CMTO programs
- Optimize existing regulatory tools and Advocate for additional regulatory tools to prevent and respond to sexual abuse
- Engage with the public, RMTs, educators, students, employers and health system partners, including an annual engagement survey to ensure CMTO understands diverse perspectives
- Promote transparency through open consultations, performance metrics and new communications tools
- Demonstrate accountability and the value of regulation through organizational reporting of results, public awareness, and open dialogue with the profession and stakeholders
- Modernize governance through CMTO initiated reform and working with government
- Support a healthy organizational culture that is equitable, diverse, and inclusive
- Improve efficiency and effectiveness of processes and committee decision-making by prioritizing the reduction of harm
- Embed EDI into organizational programs and processes
- Report publicly on EDI progress