Registrar Report
Separate from the Complaints Process, concerns about an RMT’s conduct, competence or capacity to practice may also be brought to CMTO’s attention through mandatory reports from other Massage Therapists or healthcare providers, or through information from a variety of other sources. This information might include a criminal case being reported in the media or there may be information provided by an employer or insurance company who may choose not to file a formal complaint or go through the complaints process. These are known as Registrar Report Investigations.
CMTO will consider and verify the information if possible. A formal investigation may be conducted, the results of which would be considered by the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC). The Registrar Report Investigation process is similar to the complaints process. The RMT will receive a Notice of the Registrar’s Report, together with the results of the investigation. The RMT then can provide a written response to results of an investigation.
The ICRC panel has the power to take one or more of the following actions:
- Refer an RMT to the Discipline Committee in relation to specified allegations of professional misconduct;
- Refer the RMT to another panel of the ICRC for incapacity proceedings;
- Require the RMT to appear before the panel or another panel of the Committee to receive a verbal caution;
- Require the RMT to complete a specified continuing education or remediation program;
- Take no further action.