CMTO’s Acupuncture Authorization Process and Acupuncture Standard of Practice
Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs/MTs) may use acupuncture in their Massage Therapy practice only if they are authorized by CMTO to perform acupuncture, and if this modality is performed within the Massage Therapy Scope of Practice in accordance with Standard of Practice for Acupuncture. RMTs cannot delegate the controlled act of acupuncture to another individual.
The Acupuncture Education and Authorization Policy clarifies the education requirement and authorization process for an RMT to use acupuncture in their Massage Therapy practice.
The Standard of Practice of Acupuncture explains the requirements RMTs authorized to perform acupuncture must follow.
RMTs authorized to perform acupuncture will be listed as “Yes” under “Acupuncture Authorized” in CMTO’s Find an RMT.
RMTs practising acupuncture must meet the requirements of CMTO’s Standard of Practice for Acupuncture. RMTs wishing to be authorized to practise acupuncture must first complete an acupuncture program that provides them with the entry-level acupuncture practice competencies as set out in CMTO’s Acupuncture Practice Competencies and Performance Indicators (APC/PIs). The APC/PIs state the learning outcomes that must be provided by acupuncture education programs. Education programs must self-declare to CMTO that they meet the education requirements in the Standard of Practice for Acupuncture to be included in the list of confirmed acupuncture education programs.
RMTs who successfully complete a confirmed acupuncture education program must then arrange for the program to submit documentation directly to CMTO confirming successful completion of the program. RMTs must also complete the online application and declaration process.
Applying to be authorized to perform acupuncture and completing the declaration is an online process that can be accessed through the Registrant Login.
If you have questions about the acupuncture authorization process, please contact our Registration Services Department at
Standard of Practice: Acupuncture
Confirmed Acupuncture Education Programs
Acupuncture Education and Authorization Policy