Board Highlights
December 2023
CMTO’s Board met on November 27, 2023. Highlights from the meeting are below.
- During the meeting, the Board approved:
- The proposal to extend the Health Professions Discipline Tribunals Pilot (HPDTP) until the end of 2024;
- 2023-Q3 Statement of Operations and Statement of Financial Position; and
- 2024 Operating Budget.
- Angie Brennand, Director of Policy & Communications, provided a summary of CMTO’s Prevention of Sexual Abuse Symposium which took place on November 10, 2023, and outlined the next steps in CMTO’s strategic goal of sexual abuse prevention. CMTO will:
- Develop a client-focused poster for RMTs’ practice settings;
- Plan for follow-up events in 2024; and
- Distribute a follow-up survey to event participants.
To learn more about the symposium, please view our summary of CMTO’s Fall Events.
- CMTO’s Board also received an update on Ontario Legislation, including:
- Under Bill 106, the Pandemic and Emergency Preparedness Act, 2022, CMTO has determined that emergency class registrants will be required to be supervised;
- Bill 60, Your Health Act, 2023; and
- Bill 6, Foreign Credentials Advisory Committee Act, 2022.