Update from Ministry of Health on Coronavirus

January 31, 2020

The Ministry of Health (MOH)’s coronavirus website for health workers and healthcare employers is now live. To navigate the website, use the menu on the left side of the page. The website also contains the phone number for MOH’s healthcare provider hotline.

The information on the website is intended for use by healthcare workers and health sector employers in acute care settings. Guidance for other sectors will follow. The College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO) will provide the information to Massage Therapists (“MTs” or “RMTs”) as we receive it.

RMTs should continue to refer to the Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee on Infection Prevention and Control (PIDAC-IPC)’s Routine Practices and Additional Precautions in All Health Care SettingsAnnex B: Prevention of Transmission of Acute Respiratory Infection in all Health Care Settings, and the CMTO Standards.

For further information, please review:

For questions about this information, please contact CMTO’s Practice Specialist at practicespecialist@cmto.com or by phone at (416) 489-2626/1-800-465-1933 extension 4124.