Policy: Non-Compliance: STRiVE – the Quality Assurance Program


The Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA) requires all health profession regulators in Ontario to have a Quality Assurance (QA) program. Section 80 and 80.1 of the RHPA states that at a minimum the QA program include continuing education or professional development, self, peer and practice assessments, and a mechanism to monitor registrants’ participation in, and compliance with, the program.


  1. Non-compliance with the Quality Assurance program:
    1. A Registered Massage Therapist’s (RMT’s) failure to comply with the Quality Assurance Program’s requirements (i.e., failure to complete the annual STRiVE requirements such as Be the Best You Can Be, Practice Profile, and/or Practice Assessment).
  1. Reminder and Overdue Notice Requirements:
    1. Numerous reminders and overdue notices are scheduled throughout STRiVE – the Quality Assurance Program activities to support compliance.
    2. These are in addition to the need to provide RMTs with a minimum of one written Overdue Notice, giving a 30-day overdue period to complete the relevant outstanding parts of STRiVE.
  1. Final Overdue Notices and Potential Outcomes:
    1. For final notices include the 30-day period prior to the notice action:
      1. Suspension (Registration Regulation/Registrar authority): Notice indicates that the RMTs Certificate of Registration will be suspended due to non-payment of the second administrative fee.
      2. Referral (Quality Assurance Committee decision): Notice indicates that failure to complete the identified part of STRiVE by the deadline may result in a referral to the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC).
  1. Quality Assurance Committee Review:
    1. Following final notice of a registrant’s non-compliance with an identified part of STRiVE, the Quality Assurance Committee will be provided with the relevant information.
    2. Upon review, the Committee may wish to take the outlined action immediately, as relevant to a registrant’s non-compliance, or may request additional information, as relevant (e.g., due to previously unknown extenuating circumstance), or take any other action and/or steps in accordance with the regulations and/or the Health Professions Procedural Code (the Code).

Further information


Adopted: June 18, 2024

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