Policy: Fees for Non-Compliance: STRiVE – the Quality Assurance Program
The Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA) requires all health profession regulators in Ontario to have a Quality Assurance (QA) program. Section 80 and 80.1 of the RHPA states that at a minimum the QA program include continuing education or professional development, self, peer and practice assessments, and a mechanism to monitor registrants’ participation in, and compliance with, the program.
The College of Massage Therapists of Ontario’s (CMTO’s) Quality Assurance Program is supported by Registered Massage Therapists’ (RMTs’) annual registration fees. Additional costs are borne to the CMTO when an RMT is non-compliant with the program.
CMTO By-Law No. 7, Section 18 states: After the first notice, a registrant shall pay an administrative fee, set out in the Miscellaneous Fee Schedule, for each subsequent notice sent by the Registrar to a registrant for failure of the registrant to provide information or a form to CMTO or a statutory committee of CMTO within 30 days of being requested or required to do so. The fee is due within 30 days of the subsequent notice being sent.
- Based on By-Law No. 7, fees will apply to the following situations:
- Practice Assessment directed because of an RMT’s failure to comply with the Quality Assurance Program (i.e., failure to complete annual STRiVE requirements including Be the Best You Can Be, Practice Profile, and/or Practice Assessment).
- Follow-up Administrative Fee for non-compliance with the Quality Assurance Program.
- Rescheduling a Practice Assessment less than one (1) week from the date of assessment.
Further information
Adopted: June 18, 2024