Policy: Conflict of Interest: STRiVE – the Quality Assurance Program (Practice Assessment)


The Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA) requires all health profession regulators in Ontario to have a Quality Assurance (QA) program. Section 80 and 80.1 of the RHPA states that at a minimum the QA program include continuing education or professional development, self, peer and practice assessments, and a mechanism to monitor registrants’ participation in, and compliance with, the program.

There is a risk of conflict of interest in peer and practice assessments. The College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO) proactively manages and attempts to prevent any potential, real or perceived conflict(s) where a reasonable person would conclude that an Assessment Advisor’s professional judgement may be compromised. By doing so, the assessment can be completed in the best interest of the Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) and their clients.

Example conflicts of interest that must be declared:

  • A current or prior family or friend relationship
  • A current or prior financial relationship
  • A current or past work colleague or classmate


Both the assessor, referred to as Assessment Advisor, and the RMT must declare a conflict of interest:

  1. Before initiating the Practice Assessment process.
  2. During or after the Practice Assessment in cases where the conflict of interest becomes apparent.


  1. If a conflict of interest is declared, the RMT is provided with a different Assessment Advisor.
  2. If a conflict of interest is declared during the Practice Assessment, the process stops and the Assessment Advisor records the potential, perceived or real conflict and notifies staff immediately for guidance on next steps.

Appendix A:

Conflict of Interest Declaration for Assessment Advisor

Appendix B:

Conflict of Interest Declaration for RMT

Further information


Adopted: June 18, 2024

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