CMTO Wants to Hear from You: Consultation on Draft Code of Ethics

The College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO) is in the process of refreshing the Code of Ethics for Massage Therapy. The Code of Ethics is a resource to support Massage Therapists in understanding and applying the ethical principles and values that lie at the heart of the profession. A Code of Ethics gives definition to commitment to practice in ethical terms; it identifies the profession’s values and explains what they are in terms of what practitioners ought to do to protect and promote the public good, and what they ought to avoid to prevent harm to the public.

To update the Code of Ethics, CMTO engaged with registrants and other stakeholders in a discussion earlier this year, about some of the current ethical issues in the practice environment. This initial consultation took place through a survey that ran from January 24, 2019 to March 24, 2019. A summary of what CMTO learned can be found here.

CMTO used this input to develop a draft Code of Ethics which we invite your feedback on through a survey. Please also see the accompanying Glossary of Terms, offered as a tool to help clarify the Code of Ethics.

You are encouraged to provide feedback on the Code of Ethics, regardless of whether you participated in the initial survey.

CMTO will thoughtfully review your feedback and make adjustments as appropriate, with the aim of releasing a refreshed Code of Ethics in 2019 – in time to celebrate 100 years of Massage Therapy regulation in Ontario.

Thank you for completing this survey by August 14, 2019, and for your commitment to professional ethics and ethical decision-making in Massage Therapy.

Please contact with questions.

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