A female and a male RMT sitting down and speaking with another regulated health professional

New Guide for RMTs Practising More Than One Health Profession

Summer 2022

The Guide to Practising More Than One Health Profession brings together requirements from the Standards of Practice and applicable regulations into one document. It is available on CMTO’s Standards and Rules webpage by clicking on any of the related Standards or topics, such as the Standards for Client-centred Care or Conflict of Interest.

RMTs who practise more than one health profession must clearly differentiate between their practices, be transparent in their communication with the client, and avoid or manage conflicts of interest. These and other requirements are explained in the guide.

If you have more questions on this topic, please contact CMTO’s Practice Specialist at practicespecialist@cmto.com or by phone at 416-489-2626/1-800-465-1933 extension 4124.

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