Mandatory Reporting Reminder

Winter 2021

Mandatory reporting refers to the obligation under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA) and the Health Professions Procedural Code for all health care professions, including Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs/MTs), employers and facility operators to file written reports to the College under certain circumstances.

Mandatory reporting is critical to ensuring the College is made aware of any concerning conduct by RMTs. The College reviews and/or investigates all reports to ensure the College effectively carries out its mandate of protecting the public from harm.

RMTs are expected to regularly review their mandatory reporting obligations. RMTs who do not file mandatory reports when they are obligated to do so, may be found to have committed an act of professional misconduct. RMTs who are employers or facility operators and fail to file mandatory reports may be liable for fines upon conviction.

Please refer to the Mandatory Reporting requirements to learn more about your obligations.

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