Council Highlights
Winter 2022
CMTO’s Council held two meetings over the winter: November 29th, 2021, and February 8th, 2022. Summaries of the meetings are below.
February Council Meeting Summary
2022 Executive Committee Elected
On February 8th, CMTO’s Council elected by acclamation Kim Westfall-Connor, RMT, College President, and Marlene Kesler, Public Member, Vice-President. Carolyn Watt and Jay Mathers, both Public Members, were elected as the two Executive Officers to the 2022 Executive Committee.
Council Approves an Update to the Examination Policy
Currently, if an applicant to CMTO fails either the written or practical examination three times, they must complete a new Massage Therapy diploma before being eligible to attempt the exams again.
Council approved an update to this policy to clarify that a candidate must obtain a new diploma from a program accredited by the Canadian Massage Therapy Council for Accreditation and/or recognized by the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities before being eligible to attempt the exams again. After completing a new diploma, the candidate must pass both the written and practice exams, regardless of their previous attempts.
Updates to the Code of Ethics for RMTs
Following the release of the new Standards of Practice, Council approved housekeeping updates to the Code of Ethics.
November Council Meeting Summary
Council Approves 2022 Budget and 2022 Workplan
During the November meeting, CMTO’s Council reviewed and approved the College’s 2022 Budget and Workplan.
CMTO Renews a One-Year Contract with CMTCA
Kathrina Loeffler, Executive Director at the Canadian Massage Therapy Council for Accreditation (CMTCA), presented CMTO’s Council with an overview of the accreditation process and provided an update on the status of accreditation in Canada. Council directed the College to sign a one-year renewable contract with CMTCA while CMTO continues to work with the government on legislative changes in support of accreditation.
CMTO Rescinds and Updates Quality Assurance Policies
Council approved the rescinding of nine policies and the update of two policies because of the implementation of new Standards of Practice on January 1st, 2022.
CMTO Introduces New Practice Resources
College staff and Council discussed how the College is updating several practice resources to align with the new Standards of Practice and the Practice Resource Framework to provide clarity and consistency for RMTs and Massage Therapy clients. Current and clear Practice Resources are important to ensure the public receives safe, effective, and ethical Massage Therapy treatment.