CMTO Strongly Encourages COVID-19 Vaccination for RMTs
Summer-Fall 2021
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) have followed public health measures to protect the safety of clients, themselves, and the broader community. Clients expect and should be treated in the safest environment possible, and the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO) thanks RMTs for their considerable efforts to protect the public during the pandemic.
In addition to personal protective equipment (PPE), screening, and infection prevention and control practices, vaccination is an evidence-based intervention that protects people by reducing infection, hospitalization, and severe illness.
In alignment with public health guidance, CMTO strongly encourages RMTs to be vaccinated against COVID-19. As healthcare providers, RMTs have an ethical obligation to serve their clients’ best interests and protect them from harm. Getting vaccinated is an extension of this commitment.
The Ontario Government has already issued a directive that promotes vaccination by mandating hospitals, home and community care service providers, and ambulance services employers to have a COVID-19 vaccination policy. Long-term care settings have similar policies in place. Individual employers (e.g., private clinics) may also implement vaccination polices and CMTO encourages RMTs who are employers to do so.
Upholding and communicating evidence-informed public health measures is critical, both in person and online. RMTs who publicly communicate anti-vaccine, anti-masking, anti-distancing and anti-lockdown statements or who promote COVID-19 treatments unsupported by science will face review, investigation and/or disciplinary action by CMTO. Before posting anything online, RMTs should consider how their post may be perceived by the public, and whether it contains false or misleading information.
By getting vaccinated and continuing to follow and support public health guidance, RMTs are showing leadership in protecting themselves, clients and others.