Proposed Changes to CMTO’s Registration Regulation

In April 2022, Bill 106, the Pandemic and Emergency Preparedness Act, 2022 came into effect as one way to strengthen Ontario’s health workforce and improve health resource planning in emergency situations. Among other changes, the Act requires all health regulatory colleges in Ontario to create an emergency class of registration for qualified practitioners.

Each college has been asked to propose changes to their registration regulations to allow for an emergency class and the Act requires colleges to focus their proposed changes on four areas:

  1. Circumstances that will open the emergency class of registration.
  2. Requirements for emergency registration.
  3. How long an emergency certificate of registration is valid.
  4. Moving from the emergency class to another class of registration.

All colleges must submit proposed changes to their registration regulations to the Ontario Ministry of Health by May 1, with the goal of having the changes in place by August 31, 2023. Before submitting any changes to a regulation, CMTO must circulate the proposed changes for 60 days.

In 2015, CMTO circulated a proposal for a change to its Registration Regulation to support accreditation of Massage Therapy education programs by the Canadian Massage Therapy Council for Accreditation. In this updated draft of the regulation, CMTO is proposing to add a transition timeframe to the original proposal.

Before submitting your feedback, we encourage you to review the following materials:

You are invited to provide feedback until April 10, 2023. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Provide your feedback

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